I think this is aimed toward documenting brainstorm sessions...
For an example of commercial software that does this check
Never used dia, but duplicate functionality shouldn't be an issue IMO --
a brief glance through the 'net' section should reveal zillions of
duplicate-functionality packages.
For myself, I'd love something like this in debian - and I'd encourage
Roman to continue his work toward making it totally free. However I've
never packaged anything so I can't comment on technical issues :)
Roman, you should look at free java components - especially check out
the free-java-sdk, gij, gcj, classpath packages.
Jepri wrote:
I dowloaded and had a look. To start withm you've hardcoded the path
the java in your program, which is bad:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ontographics
/usr/bin/ontographics: line 2: /usr/lib/j2se/1.4/bin/java: No such file
or directory
/usr/bin/ontographics: line 2: exec: /usr/lib/j2se/1.4/bin/java: cannot
execute: No such file or directory
Also, I'm not sure about the actual function of your program. It draws
some rather good looking lines and boxes, but there's a couple of
programs in Debian that already do that (e.g. Dia ). And they don't
need a non-free program to do it.
Maybe I missed some functionality somewhere?
Roman Kennke wrote:
Hi list,
I have put together a small program for information visualization and
mind-mapping and a debian package for it. I'm looking for a sponsor to
possibly get this into Debian.
Ontographics is a Java program, which (at the moment) depends on
j2sdk1.4, which is not in Debian and non-free. The application itself is
GPLed, so it could only go into contrib. My plans are to make it working
with free stuff only, but it is not sure, when this will be finished.
The homepage for the program is here:
The Debian stuff (source and binary packages) can be found here:
What do I have to do, to get these things uploaded into Debian?