On Sun, Mar 02, 2003 at 11:34:20AM +0100, Geert Stappers wrote: > > [packing a virus detection program] > > > > amavis is already in Debian. It needs a third party virus scanner to > > work. Also clamav is already in Debian. (I never heard of it > > before.). So now I can choose either to abandon my one and only Debian > > package or to continue supporting non-free software, although a free > > alternative is in development. > > To me it reads like that you are worried about > _your_ _only_ Debian package
That's because taking over the maintainership of a package was a door-opener for me - the step from being just a user who occasionally files bug reports to becoming an - albeit marginal - part of this fantastic project. Abandoning the package would mean being "just a user" again. At the same time, I feel that dropping the package right now would not be fair towards to the original maintainer who handed the package over to me. > If you care about the Debian project that put effort in other parts of > the project. Any suggestions? [...] > > Well, I'm quite surprised that such an initiative as > > openantivirus.org exists. I thought we would need production-quality > > viruses for GNU/Linux first. But both under openvirus.org and > > freevirus.org I get a "host not found". Hey folks, we're lagging > > behind! How can GNU/Linux ever become ready for the desktop like > > that? ;-) > > > > Time spent on viri, is time stolen from building software that sense. [...] Well, I was trying to make a joke. Sorry if it wasn't clear enough. Thanks, Johannes
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