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On Thursday 14 November 2002 07:16, Karolina Lindqvist wrote:
> Wednesday 13 November 2002 12.18 skrev Paul Cupis:

> > It should be called noteedit_2.0.16.orig.tar.gz, per the packaging
> > manual.
> Meaning the only modification is to change the name?

Correct. foo.tgz should be renamed foo_0.1.orig.tar.gz. Only the name changes 
- - that way the md5 et cetera will be the same for your orig.tar.gz as for the 
upstream released .tgz.

> > I would be inclined to leave it in the orig.tar.gz, but either patch it
> > or remove in the build process (in the clean target?). I'm don't have the
> > details of how to best do this handy, but iirc, this is the recommended
> > solution.
> The problem is that the diff file becomes hard to understand, and you can't
> use the same diff file on a later version of the program, but have to
> unpack the version matching the diff file first, save the debian dir, and
> then unpack the version you want to build, remove the patches to the debian
> dir from the diff file, and apply the patches (if any). Therefore I
> actually prefer a clean debian dir in the tar file when the patch file is
> made. Of if somehow the debian files in the diff file can just completely
> replace the old ones with some diff option. If it is possible to make
> debian-source to understand that.

Yes, it's messy. You should ask upstream to a) remove the upstream debian/ 
directory, b) allow you to send you changes upstream to the next debian/ 
directory will be correct or c) not include the upstream debian/ directory in 

> > Not by you? Bug upstream about it, i think. Again, this is related to
> > having a pristine upstream orig.tar.gz if possible (but this is not
> > essential).
> So if there are any, I should just leave them and remove them in the clean
> target.

Yup. Hopefully upstream will be nice about distributing clean tarballs in 

Paul Cupis
- -- 

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