On Wed, Nov 13, 2002 at 11:18:20AM +0000, Paul Cupis wrote:
> > If there is an old debian directory in the upstreams tar file, for some old
> > debian version. Should that be removed?
> I would be inclined to leave it in the orig.tar.gz, but either patch it or 
> remove in the build process (in the clean target?). I'm don't have the 
> details of how to best do this handy, but iirc, this is the recommended 
> solution.

Just leave it.

You erase it, modify it or do whatever you need to bring it to par with
the your current need, and let dpkg-buildpackage generate the .diff that
will patch the upstream provided directory to the current one.

If you want, you can even send the diff upstream so they have an
uptodate debian directory.

> > If there are bin-files or *.o files or similar in the upstreams tar file.
> > Should they be removed?
> Not by you? Bug upstream about it, i think. Again, this is related to having 
> a 
> pristine upstream orig.tar.gz if possible (but this is not essential).

It would depend on what the .o are. If they are cruft left there by a an
incomplete clean target, patch the makefile so they get removed and send
a bug report with it upstream. If they have legitimate reason for being
there, then it is another question, which will depend on the reason for
it being there.

You will face problems with the clean target and multiple running of
dpkg-buildpackage if they are present, get changed or are removed by
clean though.

I have such a case in one of my packages, and i move them around during
the build and restore them when cleaning.


Sven Luther

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