tisdagen den 12 november 2002 21.28 skrev Roger Leigh:

> It looks like all the files are pre-existing.  Try running dpkg-source
> -b from another directory or renaming the noteedit-2.0.16 directory?

That might be the problem, so please bear me with some questions so that I get 
this very clear to me:

When you take a tar file from somewhere and make a debian package of it, 
should it be unchanged from upstream or can it be modified?

For example, should (in this case) noteedit_2.0.16.orig.tar.gz extract to 
noteedit, noteedit-2.0.16 or noteedit-2.0.16.orig? Does it matter?

Can the source tar file be called noteedit-2.0.16.tar or should it be renamed 
to noteedit_2.0.16.orig.tar

If there is an old debian directory in the upstreams tar file, for some old 
debian version. Should that be removed?

If there are bin-files or *.o files or similar in the upstreams tar file. 
Should they be removed?

In KDE applications, normally a "make -f Makefile.cvs" (or similar) is done 
before the upstreams tar file is packed. But often that is done with another 
version of automake than debian is using. Often an old automake1.4 or 
something. If some changes are needed to the *.am files, that will create 
problems due to automake incompatibilites. If no changes to the *.am files is 
needed, it might work even with incompatible versions, since automake is 
never called, but it might create trouble if something is changed.

One solution is to make a "make -f Makefile.cvs" before building it on debian, 
but then the diffs with all the Makefile.in files etc. will become huge. Can 
that be done before packing the *.orig.tar file, to avoid rebuilding problems 
and making the diffs small?

Many questions, but it is things that I have been wondering about.

-- Karolina

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