xxdiff, uses autoconf, which is looking for the C++ compiler. It finds c++
(which is a link into alternatives) and decides it's not g++.

The line in configure.in is:


Does anybody else, that has packaged a autoconfigured c++ package have a
simple way of resolving this? I have thought about:

  basename `readlink -f \`which c++\``

which first follows all the links and then strips the directories from the
path, but this sucks because this makes the build process depend on two
additional packages. Since the upstream author would include the Debian
stuff upstreams I don't want to make the build process more difficult for
non-Debian systems.

Any elegant solutions?

             Tomas Pospisek
             SourcePole   -  Linux & Open Source Solutions
             Elestastrasse 18, 7310 Bad Ragaz, Switzerland
             Tel: +41 (81) 330 77 11

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