
I'm looking at packaging glide3, which comes in a .src.rpm format.
The .src.rpm contains 3 files (when unpacked with:
rpm2cpio <rpmfile> | cpio -i), 3dfx.gif, Glide3.10.tar.gz and

What's the best way of packaging this? I'm intending using Doogie's
build system for this (as how glide 2 is done), am I best to include
the whole .src.rpm and unpack it (using rpm2cpio | cpio -i) during
the build process, or just include the .tar.gz file?

Any suggestions/comments appreciated.



   Timshel Knoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  for Debian email: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Second year Computer Science, RMIT   |   CS108 Tutor (Semester 2, 2000)
        Debian GNU/Linux developer, see http://www.debian.org/~timshel/
   For GnuPG public key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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