On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 12:19:28 +0200, T.Pospisek's MailLists wrote: > xxdiff, uses autoconf, which is looking for the C++ compiler. It finds c++ > (which is a link into alternatives) and decides it's not g++. [...] > AM_CONDITIONAL(IS_COMPILER_GCC, test x$CXX = xg++)
How about AC_PROG_CXX AM_CONDITIONAL(IS_COMPILER_GCC, test x$GXX = xyes) (Cf. autoconf manual) > Does anybody else, that has packaged a autoconfigured c++ package > have a simple way of resolving this? I have thought about: > basename `readlink -f \`which c++\`` urk... Cheers, Michael -- /~\ ASCII ribbon | * Mechanical Engineering is like looking for a black cat \ / campaign | in a lighted room. X against | * Systems Eng.: looking for a black cat in a dark room / \ HTML mail | in which there is no cat and someone yells "I got it!"