On Sat, 2025-02-22 at 12:47 +0100, Hilmar Preuße wrote:
> On 22.02.25 09:25, Sébastien Noel wrote:
> > Control: tags -1 -moreinfo
> Hi,
> > On 21/02/25 22:07, Phil Wyett wrote:
> > > Control: tags -1 +moreinfo
> > > 
> > > [...]
> > 
> > I used to find value in your reviews, but i'm doubtful with this one...
> > The package pass all your tests but you conclude that it
> > "is not yet ready".
> > 
> > What is wrong with the package ?
> > Is it a missing "yes" to your question "Will this package be imported 
> > into Salsa?" that triggers the "red flag" ?
> > 
> I have the feeling that Phil runs some kind of automated test suites, 
> but does not really have a technical closer look at the source package. 
> E.g. the licenserecon checks if the license statements are consistent, 
> but it does not check if the license of packages are DFSG conformal 
> (maybe I'm missing something here). So his test suite is definitely a 
> very good first step, but not sufficient to determine if a package can 
> be pushed to the archive.
> IMHO his test suite should be built into mentors, so every package, 
> which is uploaded to mentors should be checked automatically. No, I 
> don't volunteer to implement this.
> H.
> -- 
> Testmail


A 'moreinfo' tag is simply that. I asked if you could make an addition and if
you were going to import to Salsa. A DD can pick-up a package at any point,
deem it ready for upload and do that upload.

Additionally to doing the first reviews, I also keep an eye on what DD
subsequently request and learn from this. A request to add
'debian/upstream/metadata' is not uncommon, see link below.



I personally run each test manually and have the package open in vscode to do
more hands on first checking. This may or may not miss things, but I saw these
tests as a good basis for getting packages up to a certain standard and avoid
wasting DD time.

These tests could possibly be added to the checks done at upload to mentors

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