On Thu, 2025-01-23 at 03:04 -0500, Glenn Strauss wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 23, 2025 at 07:24:25AM +0000, Phil Wyett wrote:
> > On Wed, 2025-01-22 at 20:52 -0500, Glenn Strauss wrote:
> > > 
> > > PLEASE NOTE: **none** of the issues you raised are reported on
> > > https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/lighttpd
> > > 
> > > PLEASE NOTE: **all** of the issues you raised are present in the prior
> > > lighttpd package.  Why is this suddenly a blocker to release rather than
> > > suggestions for a future release?
> > 
> > The lintian elements raised to be looked at were not blocking.
> I appreciate the response.  Please take a moment to review my broader
> critique that *everything* in the wall of text you posted was
> pre-existing in the lighttpd package and should have been reported on
> tracker.d.o, *especially* any issue that would be Release Critical (RC)
> blocking for a future release.
> If you review other RFS, kindly highlight the blocking issues separately
> from the wall of text on non-blocking issues since outsiders like myself
> do not immediately sniff out the Release Critical (RC) policies.
> That said, there are some things which make Debian look very foolish,
> such as the waste of resources running a spell checker on binaries implied by
> I: lighttpd: spelling-error-in-binary ment meant
> [usr/lib/lighttpd/mod_ssi.so]
> There is no such "ment" spelling error in lighttpd src/mod_ssi.c and I am
> annoyed having wasted my time to contradict the lintian noise.
> Debian would look less foolish and maybe lintian would be taken more
> seriously if the signal to noise ratio in lintian was much higher.
> > License issues are not detailed on the package tracker unless filed as an
> > RC
> > bug. I may be in error here and I am sure more correct information will be
> > supplied if so.
> So license issues, which are classified as Release Criticial (RC) are
> not detailed on the package tracker, but lintian warnings (not RC) are?
> I hope you see the incongruity of that.
> Please file some debian bugs, as appropriate, if you think my critiques
> of the Debian processes have merit.  Thank you.  Glenn

Hi Glenn,

Some may say that I review the occasional Request For Sponsorship (RFS).

I am pondering and making changes to my review template now after feedback from
yourself and others. The everything of the process is something I wish see
clearer and make things better to meet most needs that then makes for better
quality packages entering Debian via Mentors.

Pre-existing issues in a package should be reported as a bug if spotted not in
a RFS. If it is spotted in a RFS review, it can be fixed prior to sponsorship
or the contributor could state for it to be fixed in a later update. A matter
of communication here and consensus reached between contributor, reviewer
and/or Debian Developer (DD).

Apologies if I left any spelling related lintian items in the review. These I
hope a maintainer over time would highlight to upstream and hopefully get

What the package tracker displays is a separate conversation to be had. I
understand what you are saying. Not something I have plans to look at. Things
can change in Debian if someone has the time and is willing to pick up the
baton and run with it.





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