Am 21.11.2024 um 08:32 schrieb Andrius Merkys:
On 2024-11-20 22:16, Soren Stoutner wrote:

Hello Andrius,

I don’t think MUT (Multiple Upstream Tarballs) has any provisions
for unpacking them to `acextlibs/ vectorgraphics/LspCpp`.

I can confirm this from my practical experience. Nevertheless you should be able to make your build work by symlinking a component to the needed subdirectory.

That seems to be a good ideas, which currently works for me: unpacking the original tar balls to subdir1 & subdir2 and then create symlinks in d/rules like this:

        mkdir -p acextlibs/vectorgraphics/ acextlibs/syoyo/
        ln -s ../../LspCpp acextlibs/vectorgraphics/LspCpp
        ln -s ../../tinyexr acextlibs/syoyo/tinyexr

Thanks for that.


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