
On 2024-11-20 22:16, Soren Stoutner wrote:
On Tuesday, November 19, 2024 3:39:06 PM MST Hilmar Preuße wrote:
I hope this is an easy question: the new version of asymptote downloads
additional tar balls (two) during configure, which are unpackaged and
used during build. Page [1] describes how to add additional tar balls.
It says, that the name (extension) of the additional tar ball determines
the subdir the tar ball is extracted to. I need the additional source
code in acextlibs/vectorgraphics/LspCpp & acextlibs/syoyo/tinyexr .
That is correct, but I don’t think it handles subdirectories.  So, for
example, if the second tarball has a component name of `acextlibs` it will be
extrated to the `acextlibs` directory (I have no idea how the system behaves
if the `acextlibs` directory already exists).  If its contents are inside of
`vectorgraphics/LspCP`, then you should be fine.  But if the contents of the
tarball are in the root directory of the tarball, I don’t think MUT (Multiple
Upstream Tarballs) has any provisions for unpacking them to `acextlibs/

I can confirm this from my practical experience. Nevertheless you should be able to make your build work by symlinking a component to the needed subdirectory.


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