
I hope this is an easy question: the new version of asymptote downloads additional tar balls (two) during configure, which are unpackaged and used during build. Page [1] describes how to add additional tar balls. It says, that the name (extension) of the additional tar ball determines the subdir the tar ball is extracted to. I need the additional source code in acextlibs/vectorgraphics/LspCpp & acextlibs/syoyo/tinyexr .

How do I have to name the additional tar balls? Putting the needed directory into the tar balls does not seem to do the trick. Currently my only idea is to merge the two tar balls into one and name it asy....orig-acextlibs.tar.xz .

Better ideas?


[1] https://raphaelhertzog.com/2010/09/07/how-to-use-multiple-upstream-tarballs-in-debian-source-packages/

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