Control: tags -1 +confirmed Marco,
Preamble... Thank you for taking the time to prepare this package and your contribution to the Debian project. The review below is for assistance. This review is offered to help package submitters to Debian mentors inorder to improve their packages prior to possible sponsorship into Debian. There is no obligation on behalf of the submitter to make any alterations based upon information provided in the review. Review... 1. Build: * pbuilder [1]: Good * sbuild [2]: Good 2. Lintian [3]: Issue Running lintian... N: P: hoteldruid source: maintainer-desktop-entry [debian/extra/applications/net.digitaldruids.hoteldruid_launcher.desktop] N: N: The maintainer keeps a desktop entry in ./debian. Please forward the N: desktop entry upstream and ask them to include it in their version control N: system, and in their next release. N: N: If the desktop entry was already forwarded or rejected, or the upstream is N: gone, please override the tag and annotate it with a suitable comment. N: N: Please refer to social contract item 2, Coordination with upstream N: developers (Section 3.1.4) in the Debian Developer's Reference, and N: Changes to the upstream sources (Section 4.3) in the Debian Policy Manual N: for details. N: N: Visibility: pedantic N: Show-Always: no N: Check: debian/desktop-entries N: N: P: hoteldruid source: trailing-whitespace [debian/changelog:3] N: N: This file contains lines with trailing whitespace characters. N: N: Whilst often harmless and unsightly, such extra whitespaces can also cause N: tools to interpret the whitespace characters literally. The tool diff(1) N: does not like them, either. They are best avoided. N: N: Some of these problems can be hard to track down. N: N: Whitespace at the end of lines may be removed with the following: N: N: $ sed -i -e 's@[[:space:]]*$@@g' debian/control debian/changelog N: N: If you use Emacs, you can also use "M-x wh-cl" (whitespace-cleanup). N: N: However, if you wish to only remove trailing spaces and leave trailing N: tabs (eg. for Makefiles), you can use the following code snippet: N: N: $ sed -i -e 's@[ ]*$@@g' debian/rules N: N: To remove empty lines from the end of a file, you can use: N: N: $ sed -i -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;};/\n$/ba' debian/rules N: N: Visibility: pedantic N: Show-Always: no N: Check: debian/trailing-whitespace N: Renamed from: file-contains-trailing-whitespace N: I: Lintian run was successful. Removal of white-space when you can. 3. Licenses [4]: Issue philwyett@ks-tarkin:~/Development/builder/debian/hoteldruid-3.0.7$ lrc en: Versions: recon 3.0 check 3.3.9-1 Parsing Source Tree .... Reading d/copyright .... Running licensecheck .... d/copyright | licensecheck AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ aggiorna.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ api.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ base.js AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ clienti.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ costanti.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ costi.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ creaanno.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ crea_backup.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ creadb.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ crea_modelli.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ creaprezzi.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ crearegole.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ dati_relutenti.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ disponibilita.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ gestione_utenti.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/costanti.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/dati_form_prenotazione.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/dati_lista_cassa.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/dati_lista_clienti.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/dati_lista_prenota.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/files_sorgente.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/foot.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni_aggiorna.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni_anno.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni_appartamenti.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni_backup.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni_clienti.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni_contratti.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni_costi_agg.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni_dati_relutenti.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni_email.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni_ins_prenota.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni_log.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni_menu.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni_mod_contratti.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni_mod_prenota.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni_mysql_extra.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni_mysqli_extra.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni_mysqli.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni_mysql.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni_postgresql_extra.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni_postgresql.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni_quadro_disp.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni_relutenti.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni_sqlite_extra.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni_sqlite.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni_tariffe.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni_testo.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/funzioni_web.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/head.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/interconnect/aggiorna_ic_fork.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/interconnect/aggiorna_ic.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/liberasettimane.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/sett_gio.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/spezzaprenota.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/templates/aggiorna_modelli.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/templates/cal/form.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/templates/cal/functions.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/templates/cal/name.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/templates/cal/phrases.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/templates/cal/template.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/templates/cal/themes.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/templates/cal/var.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/templates/frasi_mod_disp.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/templates/funzioni_mod_disp.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/templates/funzioni_modelli.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/templates/modello_disponibilita.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/templates/rat/form.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/templates/rat/functions.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/templates/rat/name.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/templates/rat/phrases.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/templates/rat/template.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/templates/rat/themes.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/templates/rat/var.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/templates/temi_mod_disp.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ includes/variabili_contratto.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ inizio.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ interconnessioni.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ inventario.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ messaggi.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ modifica_app.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ modifica_cliente.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ modifica_contratto.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ modifica_costi.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ modifica_ospiti.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ modifica_prenota.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ modifica_var_contr.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ mostra_sorgente.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ personalizza.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ prenota.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ privilegi_utenti.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ punto_vendita.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ storia_soldi.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ tabella2.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ tabella3.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ tabella.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ tab_tariffe.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ themes/blu/inc/functions.js AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ themes/blu/php/foot.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ themes/blu/php/head.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ themes/blu/php/menu.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ themes/blu/php/name.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ themes/blu/php/selectperiod.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ themes/col/inc/functions.js AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ themes/col/php/foot.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ themes/col/php/head.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ themes/col/php/menu.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ themes/col/php/name.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ themes/col/php/selectperiod.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ themes/sim/inc/functions.js AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ themes/sim/php/foot.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ themes/sim/php/head.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ themes/sim/php/menu.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ themes/sim/php/name.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ themes/sim/php/selectperiod.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ themes/snj/php/foot.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ themes/snj/php/head.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ themes/snj/php/menu.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ themes/snj/php/name.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ themes/snj/php/selectperiod.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ visualizza_contratto.php AGPL-3 | AGPL-3+ visualizza_tabelle.php Something to possibly look at for a future upload. 4. Watch file [uscan --force-download]: Good 5. Build Twice [sudo pbuilder build --twice <package>.dsc]: Good 6. Reproducible builds [5]: Good 7. Install [No previous installs]: Good 8. Upgrade [Over previous installs if any]: Good Summary... Marco, Looks good. Some little things to look at for future uploads. Would be nice to see this package on Salsa. I believe hoteldruid is ready for review/possible sponsorship. Could a Debian Developer (DD) with available free time, please review this package and upload if you feel it is ready. Regards Phil [1] pbuilder: * Command: sudo pbuilder build <PACKAGE>.dsc * Document: * Document: [2] sbuild: * Command: sbuild <PACKAGE>.dsc * Document: * Document: [3] lintian: * Command: lintian -v -i -I -E --pedantic --profile debian (*.dsc, *.changes, *.buildinfo). Each can throw up different results, so be thorough. * Document: [4] lrc: * Command: lrc * Document: [5] reprotest * Command: sudo reprotest --vary=-build_path,domain_host.use_sudo=1 --auto- build <PACKAGE>.dsc -- schroot unstable-amd64-sbuild * Document: * Document: * Document: -- Donations... Buy Me A Coffee: Liberapay: -- "I play the game for the game’s own sake" Arthur Conan Doyle - The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans -- Internet Relay Chat (IRC): kathenas Matrix: Website: Wiki: Instagram: Threads: --
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