On Fri, Jul 05, 2024 at 09:18:39AM +0100, Phil Wyett wrote:
> Review...
> 1. Build: Good
> 2. Lintian: Issue
> I: mangl source: unused-license-paragraph-in-dep5-copyright bsd-3-clause 
> [debian/copyright:83]
> N: 
> N:   The license paragraph in the machine-readable copyright file is not
> N:   referenced by any files paragraph. It could be a typo in the license name
> N:   or the license paragraph is simply not needed and can be removed.
> N: 
> N:   Please refer to
> N:   https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/ for
> N:   details.
> N: 
> N:   Visibility: info
> N:   Show-Always: no
> N:   Check: debian/copyright/dep5
> Can be removed.

[DONE] Updated copyright in latest mentors.d.o upload

> I: mangl: desktop-entry-contains-encoding-key Encoding 
> [usr/share/applications/mangl.desktop:2]
> N: 
> N:   The Encoding key is deprecated in the FreeDesktop standard. Instead, all
> N:   strings must now be encoded in UTF-8. This desktop entry specifies an
> N:   Encoding of UTF-8. It is harmless but can be dropped.
> N:   
> N:   The desktop-file-validate tool in the desktop-file-utils package may be
> N:   useful for checking the syntax of desktop entries.
> N: 
> N:   Please refer to
> N:   https://specifications.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/apc.html
> N:   for details.
> N: 
> N:   Visibility: info
> N:   Show-Always: no
> N:   Check: menu-format
> Keywords is an upstream thing and you can suggest adding them. The benefits 
> for certain types of
> software such as software centres etc. is known. Do not be downhearted if 
> they will not add them,
> just one of those things.

[SUBMITTED] Submitted issue upstream with patch[1]. [1]: 

> 3. Licenses: Issue
> philwyett@ks-windu:~/Development/builder/debian/mentoring/mangl-1.1.5$ lrc
> en: Versions: recon 1.11  check 3.3.9-1
> Parsing Source Tree  ....
> Reading copyright    ....
> Running licensecheck ....
> d/copyright     | licensecheck
> ISC             | BSD-3-clause     mandoc/compat_err.c
> ISC             | BSD-3-clause     mandoc/compat_fts.c
> ISC             | BSD-3-clause     mandoc/compat_fts.h
> ISC             | BSD-3-clause     mandoc/compat_getsubopt.c
> ISC             | BSD-3-clause     mandoc/compat_strcasestr.c
> BSD-2-Clause-NetBSD| BSD-2-Clause-NetBSD and/or BSD-2-clause 
> mandoc/compat_stringlist.c
> BSD-2-Clause-NetBSD| BSD-2-Clause-NetBSD and/or BSD-2-clause 
> mandoc/compat_stringlist.h
> ISC             | BSD-3-clause     mandoc/compat_strsep.c
> ISC             | BSD-3-clause     mandoc/man.1
> Unlicense       | Expat and/or Unlicense stretchy_buffer.h
> The one I am curious about is the ISC. Looking at the files and other 
> packages that have this "The
> Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved." these tend to 
> fall under a BSD
> license. I would be happy for Andrey or another DD to offer advice here, as 
> they know more than I.
[DONE] Corrected to BSD-4-clause-UC copyright in latest mentors.d.o upload


I validated reprotest and sbuild output; clean :) 

Thanks for your time and investement on my first package. I've learned a
*ton* along the way. At this time I believe the package is ready for
review and potential sponsorship.

Kind regards, 


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