
The review branch is fine.  I apologise for not noticing it before.

1.  The package currently fails to build because it depends on python3-
distutils.  Distutils has been deprecated upstream and is no longer part of 
Python beginning with 3.12.  It was recently removed from unstable.

You can find a little more discussion about this on:

I don’t know if upstream already has a transition plan away from distutils.  
It some cases it is easy and in other cases it is hard.

2.  Because you have to touch the code anyway to fix 1, I would recommend you 
update the standards version to 4.7.0.

3.  I see that you are a Debian Maintainer and that you have been working on 
this package with Abe Beckert for a number of years.  It looks like it is in 
very good shape.  Would you be interested in being granted rights to upload 
the qutebrowser package yourself?


On Tuesday, July 9, 2024 9:30:05 PM MST Fritz Reichwald wrote:
> Hi Soren,
> please check the 'review' branch of the repository.
> The last Sponsor I was working with preferred to have the WIP changes
> there before the work is done.
> If you prefer the other way, let me know and I will do the needful.
> Thanks for your time and looking into it
> Fritz

Soren Stoutner

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