Dmitry Bogatov wrote on 06/08/2019:
> [2019-08-05 22:33] Paride Legovini <>
>> Dmitry Bogatov wrote on 23/07/2019:
>>> [2019-07-21 11:36] Paride Legovini <>
>>>>> 1. In [942ed5e] you added this line:
>>>>> export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,--as-needed
>> [...]
>> That's my understanding too. In this case I'm pretty sure the binaries
>> are not getting linked against extra libraries. Maybe in larger project
>> it could be helpful to have a final prune of eventual extra libs.
>> Do you suggest dropping those extra flags?
> Yes.
>>>>> 3. What is "irqbalance-ui"? It has no manpage, not referenced in
>>>>>    irqbalance(1) and even after source diving I can't understand how to
>>>>>    use it.
>>>> I'll probably add a stub manpage for it.
>>> Good.
>> Done, and I upstreamed it:
> I: irqbalance: spelling-error-in-manpage usr/share/man/man1/irqbalance.1.gz 
> similiar similar
> I: irqbalance: spelling-error-in-manpage usr/share/man/man1/irqbalance.1.gz 
> occured occurred
>>>>>  5. Do we really need debconf to configure oneshot feature? Debconf
>>>>>     question block installation process, so they are not to be used
>>>>>     lightly, imho. Even ssh server does not use debconf to make me
>>>>>     review its config, which is of much more importance.
>>>> I am more than happy with dropping it entirely.
>>> Good.
>> Done; I hope the note in d/NEWS is clear enough.
> Yes, it is fine.
> So, please:
>  * drop --as-needed
>  * fix spelling
>  * finalize changelog (dch -r)

ACK, but I'll be back home in ~10 days.

> By the way, why
>       [ -z "${IRQBALANCE_ONESHOT+x} ]
> instead of plain
>       [ -z "${IRQBALANCE_ONESHOT}" ]

Because it would match even if the variable is set but empty, while we
want the condition to be met iif $IRQBALANCE_ONESHOT is unset.

With the "+x", if the variable is set (even to the empty string) the
expression is expanded to "x" and the condition is not met. Irqbalance
checks only if the variable is set.

This is my reference table for those parameter expansions is:


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