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Dear Gianfranco,

Thanks for your detailed explanation!

On Wed, 19 Apr 2017 12:39:00 +0000 (UTC)
Gianfranco Costamagna <> wrote:

> Hello Roger,
> >Targeting t-p-u need pre-approval from release team, while targeting
> >unstable doesn't.
> >
> true
> >I didn't targeting t-p-u. What I meant was if:
> >- my upload to unstable don't get unblock permission from release
> >team
> >- the original version of this package in stretch get a new RC need to
> >fix
> correct
> >When both above two conditions meet, we have to use t-p-u to fix that
> >new RC bug, which may be troublesome. But it still have way out.
> >That's why I originally targeted unstable.
> >
> >Since it seems both you insist that experimental is the right place,
> >I updated the package, uploaded to DoM & mentors, and pushed to
> >branch qa_upload3.
> the problem is not the theory, but it is more pratical.
> Do you know in advance that an RC bug will be trivial to fix, and the fix will
> be sane?
> in case a bug is not so trivial, and you are not confident with the fix,
> having a 10 days delay for migration, requesting help on lists, and having a 
> broader
> testing is better than having a package in t-p-u tested only by a RT member.

Yes, I only ever fixed 3-4 RC bugs, so not very experienced at this, and giving
rough estimation how hard to solve a trivial or non-trivial issue.

However, now I understand using t-p-u is not only requiring manual operation 
release team, but also risky because we are unable to let mass unstable users to
test the version for a few days and become confident to let it migrate to 

> Having a new version in unstable, in case of a bad RC bug means the package 
> go out
> of testing. Simple as that.
> (and avoiding bothering of RT members during freeze times is always a sane 
> idea).
> So, to avoid troubles, better safe than sorry :)
> (I want to point out this because you are having your nm process, and this is 
> part
> of the questions your AM will ask you).

Now think this is the most difficult part because it's more about "feeling",
than rules. Such as:
 - Feeling of confidence that fixing RC and not making new RC
 - Feeling of deserving the cost of brothering release team
 - Feeling of avoiding troubles and keep risk minimal

Seems I need more experience so I can have the right feeling.

> Also, in case you upload a library foo2 in unstable
> that has a foo1 in testing, you are preventing fixes of reverse-dependencies 
> from being uploaded
> in unstable (because to migrate they should be built against the old version).
> so, keeping unstable into a "releasable state" is always the preferred, safer 
> solution.

Yes, speaking of library, it always need more attention.
Your example is quite convincing. Thanks!

Roger Shimizu, GMT +9 Tokyo
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