On Wed, 19 Apr 2017 07:01:56 +0000 (UTC)
Gianfranco Costamagna <locutusofb...@debian.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> >Secondly, testing-proposed-updates is highly inconvenient for the
> >release team.  It requires manual intervention and slows everything
> >down.  So we shouldn't upload to unstable unless we *expect* it to be
> >unblocked.
> also, TPU means that semi-automatic bug reports (e.g. piuparts, ftbfs and so 
> on)
> won't be opened in case the package has problems.
> Uploading to unstable an RC fix means higher probability of a fix being 
> tested.
> I don't even remember if t-p-u is available as external repo

Targeting t-p-u need pre-approval from release team, while targeting
unstable doesn't.

I didn't targeting t-p-u. What I meant was if:
 - my upload to unstable don't get unblock permission from release
 - the original version of this package in stretch get a new RC need to

When both above two conditions meet, we have to use t-p-u to fix that
new RC bug, which may be troublesome. But it still have way out.
That's why I originally targeted unstable.

Since it seems both you insist that experimental is the right place,
I updated the package, uploaded to DoM & mentors, and pushed to
branch qa_upload3.

Thank you!
Roger Shimizu, GMT +9 Tokyo
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