Hi Bdale,

On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 04:33:48PM -0600, Bdale Garbee wrote:
> > What would be not fine is if this team is not updating the electronics
> > task of Debian Science.
> FWIW, I had no idea such a thing even existed.

FWIW, I had no idea that a pkg-electronics team existed. ;-)

Good we talked about it and please make sure that all packages
that are missing on the tasks page[1] are added.  This can be
simply done by

   debcheckout -u your_id debian-science
   cd debian-science
   $EDITOR tasks/electronics
   git commit -a
   git push

Any DD has commit permissions and its not to late for Stretch since an
updated set of metapackages is usually accepted right before the
release.  I'm running a sentinel of potentially uncategorised packages
and I added packages of pkg-electronics now and will send you e-mails
about this in the next round.

BTW, Bdale, by wearing your technical committee hat you should know
about those tasks that were at some point in time displayed at
installation time but now are not any more (#846002).  It looks that
displaying interesting stuff at install time might even help experts.

Kind regards


[1] https://blends.debian.org/science/tasks/electronics


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