Dear All,

On 03/14/2017 10:20 PM, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi Dima,
> On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 01:58:15PM -0700, Dima Kogan wrote:
>> Andreas Tille <> writes:
>>> As far as I can see sigrok fits nicely into the Debian Science scope
>>> and thus I'd recommend maintaining the packages in this team and sending
>>> the RFPs on the relevant mailing list might make the right noise at the
>>> right place.
>> Hi. Aaron Brady has been working on getting the newer sigrok packages
>> ready as part of the pkg-electronics team. I've been reviewing his
>> packages so far. This was discussed at
>> I think pkg-electronics is a more appropriate place for this, although
>> it doesn't really matter.
> I agree that if there is a pkg-electronics team that is fine for me.
> What would be not fine is if this team is not updating the electronics
> task of Debian Science.  Please make sure that all relevant packages are
> mentioned there!

IMHO the pkg-electronics could be indeed a more appropriate place for
these packages, and also, they should be listed on the Debian
Science/Electronics task.
>> Zoltan: your packages are ready for review
>> now, or you're still working on it? Can you please talk with Aaron to
>> compare the two efforts? I can't review anything until next week, maybe,
>> but can look at it then.
I believe that the packages are ready for the first iteration of review,
and i also
uploaded them to, pls find here [1] the aggregated list.
The only issue i became aware of that these packages are released for
but they should be uploaded to experimental (due to the stretch freeze),
i can fix that one in the (most likely anyway needed:) next iteration.

> Kind regards
>       Andreas. 

 It seems we nicely teamed up to maintain this,
how should we proceed, should be check the corresponding
RFAs to ITA?



Zoltan Gyarmati

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