Hi Steffen,

Steffen Möller, on 2024-07-17:
> I just updated
> https://salsa.debian.org/debichem-team/pymol
> to version 3.0. This works for me but another review would be nice.

Continuous integration[1] went mostly through, which is good
omen.  Note there are a couple of lintian errors[2] which you
may want to investigate, to ensure no source files are missing
(I often end up having to override lintian warnings tripping on
long lines in html files which turned out to be typewritten, but
this may not be always the case).  I would suggest these errors
to be resolved or overriden as deemed adequate before upload.

I would have suggested to check the status of autopkgtest of
cctbx when running it against the new version of python3-pymol,
but it is affected by the removal of distutils in Python 3.12
(and this is already reported as #1076084).

If you have the spare cycles, you may also have a look at the
build reproducibility failure, but the test item has a long
history of failing, so this may be difficult to fix and not
strictly needed (in which case it might be worth to flag the
Salsa CI reprotest so it ceases causing a failure of the CI

[1]: https://salsa.debian.org/debichem-team/pymol/-/pipelines/702792
[2]: https://salsa.debian.org/debichem-team/pymol/-/jobs/5985845

> My Debian key expired earlier this year, so a sponsoring would be much 
> appreciated, too.

Regarding sponsoring, I may have a look back tomorrow evening.
In the meantime there is room if you want to investigate my
suggestions.  And if you ping early the mailing list once you're
happy with the changes, someone faster than I am may even be
able to upload for you.  ;)

I'm probably a bit far to do it myself, and upcoming olympic
games make it particularly complicated to travel in the upcoming
weeks, but if you need people to sign your new key, you can have
a look at key signing offers[3] in your neighborhood.

[3]: https://wiki.debian.org/Keysigning/Offers

Have a nice day,  :)
  .''`.  Étienne Mollier <emoll...@debian.org>
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   `-    on air: D'virgilio, Morse & Jennings - Right Where You…

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