Andreas Tille <> writes:

> I had to exclude the test following MiltipleBuffers as well.  Now the
> package builds also on Salsa CI.  However, the autopkgtest fails[1].
> Do you have any more hints?

So I see.  I've concocted and pushed two more patches, which in
conjunction yield much saner results on my system; let's see how they do
on Salsa CI.  (Several apps were failing both because they wound up with
multiple declarations of --help, to which an internal sanity checker
objected, and because they were then trying to run other tools with
explicit version suffixes, e.g. srapath-orig.2.11.2 rather than

> BTW, could you ask upstream to make those tests optional to enable
> builds even on not that well equiped hardware?

I filed a request in NCBI's internal ticket tracker, no problem.

Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at, ucko at |

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