Andreas Tille <> writes:

> Ahhhm my failure.  Usually I do it in this sequence.
No problem; thanks for getting ngs-sdk now.

> Yep, I'm aware of this in principle and I've added a versioned
> Build-Depends now.  Unfortunately it did not helped - may be since I
> did not do a correct ngs-sdk update?  The error remains unfortunately.

I was afraid the ngs-sdk upgrade might not suffice.  It looks like the
existing ngs-c++ library does the job; I was able to get past these
errors by substiting -sngs-c++ for both occurrences of -sngs in
tools/vdb-sql/Makefile and simply removing -sngs from

Meanwhile, I see kget has gone away altogether, so debian/rules can and
should stop trying to rename it.

I'll push fixes for both complications shortly.

Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at, ucko at |

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