On 18/07/21 01:12 PM, Andreas Tille wrote:
> The packaging is not ready yet and after a quick view it might be caused
> by some ramxl issue where a different binary package name is expected.
> This needs further investigation I can not do right now (every other
> team member is kindly invited to step in ;-) )

* Added necessary Depends
* Fixed autopkgtests
  d/patches: changed raxml and fasttree binary names in
  q2-phylogeny source code accordance with the ones available in archive
  passed the right set of cli args to
  iqtree, disabled tests that were using names not avilable in the
* Fixed copyright
* Dropped un-necessary Build-Deps
* Disabled running i386 build on salsa CI

After this went green, I uploaded to unstable.
I wonder if I should add myself to uploaders, but meh :-)


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