On domenica 18 luglio 2021, at 12:16 +0100, Tony Travis wrote: Hi Tony,
> > I guess otherwise I would have to go the virtualbox route, which is > > also kinda blurry to me (I imagine any VM, like QEMU, would do, > > right?). So, any pointers to talks/presentations/tutorial on qiime in > > Debian would be much appreciated. > > Hi, Beatrice. > > I recommend using QIIME2 under Bioconda: Thanks for the suggestion. I will try to follow that guide. Is the qiime installation via bioconda going to clash with the qiime from the Debian testing repository I installed via apt? > In particular, I recommend the 'Moving Pictures' tutorial: > > > https://docs.qiime2.org/2021.4/tutorials/ Indeed I was trying to follow that very tutorial :) (Lots to learn) > HTH, It sure did. Thanks a lot, beatrice