
I am starting to (learn how to) work with qiime in Debian.
I installed qiime and all q2-* plugins available for my testing install.

I also need the phylogeny plugin which does not seem to be available
in Debian. (And "qiime --help" does not show a "phylogeny"
subcommand). Is it possible to somehow download, install and add that
plugin to my Debian installation of qiime?

I did search online, also in the Debian Wiki, but I found the
installation instruction of qiime2 kinda confusing. I am really
greateful for you work for packetization for Debian that so far made
my work so much easier (aside one problem that led me to report bug
991208, which -as a side note- I hope was not just a misjudgement on my

I guess otherwise I would have to go the virtualbox route, which is
also kinda blurry to me (I imagine any VM, like QEMU, would do,
right?). So, any pointers to talks/presentations/tutorial on qiime in
Debian would be much appreciated.

Thanks a lot for any help you can give me.


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