Later messages
Messages by Thread
Processed: Re: Bug#888507: live-build: option to build against a distribution which is not the one enabled in the final image
Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: Bug#888507 marked as pending in live-build
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#888507: marked as done (live-build: option to build against a distribution which is not the one enabled in the final image)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#871780: Same problem with https repositories
Koehler Christophe
Bug#871780: Same problem with https repositories
Narcis Garcia
Bug#887278: live-build should depend on e2fsprogs explicitly
Helmut Grohne
Bug#887278: live-build should depend on e2fsprogs explicitly
Andreas Henriksson
Bug#887278: live-build should depend on e2fsprogs explicitly
Raphael Hertzog
Bug#887278: live-build should depend on e2fsprogs explicitly
Andreas Henriksson
Bug#887278: live-build should depend on e2fsprogs explicitly
Raphael Hertzog
Bug#887278: live-build should depend on e2fsprogs explicitly
Stefan Baur
Bug#887278: live-build should depend on e2fsprogs explicitly
Andreas Henriksson
Bug#887278: live-build should depend on e2fsprogs explicitly
Raphael Hertzog
Bug#887278: marked as done (live-build should depend on e2fsprogs explicitly)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Debian Live CD as platform for debian-cd Jigdo download
Thomas Schmitt
Re: Debian Live CD as platform for debian-cd Jigdo download
Thomas Schmitt
Re: Debian Live CD as platform for debian-cd Jigdo download
Thomas Schmitt
Bug#854204: syslinux/isolinux installation fails, so one could only create isos for uefi systems
Fernando Toledo
Bug#854204: syslinux/isolinux installation fails, so one could only create isos for uefi systems
Enrico Zini
Bug#854204: syslinux/isolinux installation fails, so one could only create isos for uefi systems
Enrico Zini
live-wrapper examples
Fernando Toledo
Grandes SOLDES - Hiver 2018
Thierry Blemont
Bug#886337: live-boot-initramfs-tools: Please support building smaller initrd
Benjamin Drung
Processed: Bug #886337 in live-boot marked as pending
Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: Bug #886337 in live-boot marked as pending
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#886337: marked as done (live-boot-initramfs-tools: Please support building smaller initrd)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#886328: live-boot: Please use /run/live instead of /lib/live/mount
Benjamin Drung
Bug#886328: live-boot: Please use /run/live instead of /lib/live/mount
Bug#886328: live-boot: Please use /run/live instead of /lib/live/mount
Raphael Hertzog
Bug#886328: live-boot: Please use /run/live instead of /lib/live/mount
Luca Boccassi
Bug#886328: live-boot: Please use /run/live instead of /lib/live/mount
Raphael Hertzog
Bug#886328: live-boot: Please use /run/live instead of /lib/live/mount
Luca Boccassi
Bug#886328: live-boot: Please use /run/live instead of /lib/live/mount
Raphael Hertzog
Bug#886328: live-boot: Please use /run/live instead of /lib/live/mount
Luca Boccassi
Bug#886328: live-boot: Please use /run/live instead of /lib/live/mount
Benjamin Drung
Bug#886328: live-boot: Please use /run/live instead of /lib/live/mount
Raphael Hertzog
Processed: Bug #886328 in live-boot marked as pending
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#886328: marked as done (live-boot: Please use /run/live instead of /lib/live/mount)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#886009: live-config: race condition between live-config and systemd-tmpfiles-setup
Ronny Standtke
Bug#886009: live-config: race condition between live-config and systemd-tmpfiles-setup
Processed: Re: Bug#886009: live-config: race condition between live-config and systemd-tmpfiles-setup
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#886009: marked as done (live-config: race condition between live-config and systemd-tmpfiles-setup)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#885692: live-build: [Patch] Support building ARM64 live system with EFI boot mechanism
Steven Shiau
Bug#885692: live-build: [Patch] Support building ARM64 live system with EFI boot mechanism
Raphael Hertzog
Bug#885692: live-build: [Patch] Support building ARM64 live system with EFI boot mechanism
Steven Shiau
Bug#885692: live-build: [Patch] Support building ARM64 live system with EFI boot mechanism
Raphael Hertzog
Bug#885692: marked as done (live-build: [Patch] Support building ARM64 live system with EFI boot mechanism)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#885466: live-boot: Please support setting upperdir tmpfs mount point size
Benjamin Drung
Processed: Bug #885466 in live-boot marked as pending
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#885466: marked as done (live-boot: Please support setting upperdir tmpfs mount point size)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#885455: live-boot: Please drop wget from initrd (busybox provides wget)
Benjamin Drung
Bug#885455: live-boot: Please drop wget from initrd (busybox provides wget)
Raphael Hertzog
Bug#885455: live-boot: Please drop wget from initrd (busybox provides wget)
Benjamin Drung
Bug#885455: live-boot: Please drop wget from initrd (busybox provides wget)
Kristian Klausen
Bug#885455: live-boot: Please drop wget from initrd (busybox provides wget)
Raphael Hertzog
Bug#885455: live-boot: Please drop wget from initrd (busybox provides wget)
Benjamin Drung
Processed: Bug #885455 in live-boot marked as pending
Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: Re: Bug#885455: live-boot: Please drop wget from initrd (busybox provides wget)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: Bug #885455 in live-boot marked as pending
Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: Bug #885455 in live-boot marked as pending
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#885455: marked as done (live-boot: Please drop wget from initrd (busybox provides wget))
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#885453: live-boot: Please strip double slashes from path
Benjamin Drung
Processed: Bug #885453 in live-boot marked as pending
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#885453: marked as done (live-boot: Please strip double slashes from path)
Debian Bug Tracking System
status of alioth
Re: status of alioth
Pablo Brasero Moreno
Debian live stable images with just console and software speech using espeakup
Nick Gawronski
Re: Debian live stable images with just console and software speech using espeakup
Lorenzo "Palinuro" Faletra
Re: Debian live stable images with just console and software speech using espeakup
Narcis Garcia
Re: Debian live stable images with just console and software speech using espeakup
Michael .
Bug#884886: live-boot: Installing live-boot (and devirates) into standard Stretch system gives boot problems
Christian Knoke
Bug#884886: live-boot: Installing live-boot (and devirates) into standard Stretch system gives boot problems
Raphael Hertzog
Bug#884886: marked as done (live-boot: Installing live-boot (and devirates) into standard Stretch system gives boot problems)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#884591: live-build: grub.cfg failsafe entries rework
Processed: live-build: grub.cfg failsafe entries rework
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#884591: live-build: grub.cfg failsafe entries rework
Raphael Hertzog
Bug#884591: marked as done (live-build: grub.cfg failsafe entries rework)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#884588: live-build: Showing all kernels at grub menu when there is more than one kernel is not working
Processed: live-build: Showing all kernels at grub menu when there is more than one kernel is not working
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#884588: live-build: Showing all kernels at grub menu when there is more than one kernel is not working
Raphael Hertzog
Bug#884588: marked as done (live-build: Showing all kernels at grub menu when there is more than one kernel is not working)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#884585: live-build: Grub autodetect option no longer works with 686 kernel
Processed: live-build: Grub autodetect option no longer works with 686 kernel
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#884585: live-build: Grub autodetect option no longer works with 686 kernel
Raphael Hertzog
Bug#884585: live-build: Grub autodetect option no longer works with 686 kernel
Bug#884585: marked as done (live-build: Grub autodetect option no longer works with 686 kernel)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#884553: live-build: Foreign architecture package support for linux kernel flavours in Stretch
Bug#884553: live-build: Foreign architecture package support for linux kernel flavours in Stretch
Bug#884553: live-build: Foreign architecture package support for linux kernel flavours in Stretch
Raphael Hertzog
Bug#884553: live-build: Foreign architecture package support for linux kernel flavours in Stretch
Bug#884553: live-build: Foreign architecture package support for linux kernel flavours in Stretch
Raphael Hertzog
Bug#884553: live-build: Foreign architecture package support for linux kernel flavours in Stretch
Bug#884553: live-build: Foreign architecture package support for linux kernel flavours in Stretch
Raphael Hertzog
Bug#884553: live-build: Foreign architecture package support for linux kernel flavours in Stretch
Bug#884553: live-build: Foreign architecture package support for linux kernel flavours in Stretch (add patch tag)
Processed: live-build: Foreign architecture package support for linux kernel flavours in Stretch (add patch tag)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#884553: Foreign architecture package support for linux kernel flavours patch
Bug#884553: Foreign architecture package support for linux kernel flavours patch
Raphael Hertzog
Bug#884553: Foreign architecture package support for linux kernel flavours patch
Bug#884553: marked as done (live-build: Foreign architecture package support for linux kernel flavours in Stretch)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#884355: live-boot: Please support live-{top,premount,bottom} hooks
Benjamin Drung
Bug#884355: live-boot: Please support live-{top,premount,bottom} hooks
Raphael Hertzog
Bug#884355: live-boot: Please support live-{top,premount,bottom} hooks
Benjamin Drung
Processed: Bug #884355 in live-boot marked as pending
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#884355: marked as done (live-boot: Please support live-{top,premount,bottom} hooks)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#861067: GNUstep
Alex Myczko
Bug#861067: GNUstep
Ana C. Custura
Bug#861067: GNUstep
Gürkan Myczko
ISO Debian 9.3 live+nonfree : absence de Gparted et anomalie Nautilus
Re: Re: Login and password in debian-live standard.
Michael L Richardson
live-tools_20171207_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
live-build_20171207_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
Bug#878430: marked as done (live-build: Don't fail when initramfs is not used)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#879169: marked as done (live-build: please make the build reproducible)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#831830: marked as done (live-tools: live-medium-eject not working.)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#838110: marked as done (live-tools: exclude initrd backup files)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing of live-build_20171207_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
Processing of live-tools_20171207_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
Re: Please consider to let live-build add file /.disk/mkisofs to the ISO
Thomas Schmitt
Re: Please consider to let live-build add file /.disk/mkisofs to the ISO
Thomas Schmitt
Re: Please consider to let live-build add file /.disk/mkisofs to the ISO
Daniel Reichelt
Re: Please consider to let live-build add file /.disk/mkisofs to the ISO
Thomas Schmitt
Re: Please consider to let live-build add file /.disk/mkisofs to the ISO
Raphael Hertzog
debian live (9.2.0) user? + no3d ...
Albretch Mueller
Re: debian live (9.2.0) user? + no3d ...
Steve McIntyre
Re: debian live (9.2.0) user? + no3d ...
Albretch Mueller
Quelques idées novatrices !
Thierry Blemont
Processed: severity of 882769 is important
Debian Bug Tracking System
live-boot is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
live-boot is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
live-tasks is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
live-tasks is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
live-tasks is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
live-tasks is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
live-tasks is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
live-tasks is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
live-tasks is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
live-tasks is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
live-tasks is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
Bug#883315: Some minor glitches
Alf Gaida
Bug#883315: Some minor glitches
Alf Gaida
Bug#883315: Some minor glitches
Alf Gaida
Bug#883315: marked as done (Some minor glitches)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#856628: live-wrapper: Fails with AttributeError: 'Package' object has no attribute 'version_list'
Alf Gaida
Bug#856628: live-wrapper: Fails with AttributeError: 'Package' object has no attribute 'version_list'
Fernando Toledo
Bug#883203: TypeError in line 72
Alf Gaida
Bug#883203: marked as done (TypeError in line 72)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#883201: TypeError in line 71
Alf Gaida
Bug#883201: marked as done (TypeError in line 71)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#883197: TypeError in line 370
Alf Gaida
Bug#883197: marked as done (TypeError in line 370)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#876428: No 'standard' image of Debian-Live
Daniel Lewart
Re: Bug#876428: No 'standard' image of Debian-Live
Narcis Garcia
Bug#876428: No 'standard' image of Debian-Live
Steven Monai
Bug#876428: No 'standard' image of Debian-Live
Daniel Lewart
Bug#882851: live-config: Wrong time when RTC is set to local time
Santiago García Mantiñán
Bug#882851: live-config: Wrong time when RTC is set to local time
Bug#882851: live-config: Wrong time when RTC is set to local time
Marcel Partap
Bug#882851: live-config: Wrong time when RTC is set to local time
Bug#882851: [PATCH] introduce LIVE_UTC=auto to auto-detect windows-installations
Marcel Partap
Bug#882851: [PATCH] introduce LIVE_UTC=auto to auto-detect windows-installations
Marcel Partap
Bug#882769: Cannot upgrade from Stretch: cp: target '/lib/live/mount/medium/live/' is not a directory
Thomas Goirand
Bug#882769: More investigation
Thomas Goirand
Bug#882769: Cannot upgrade from Stretch: cp: target '/lib/live/mount/medium/live/' is not a directory
Raphael Hertzog
Bug#882769: Cannot upgrade from Stretch: cp: target '/lib/live/mount/medium/live/' is not a directory
Goirand Thomas (aka zigo)
Bug#882769: Cannot upgrade from Stretch: cp: target '/lib/live/mount/medium/live/' is not a directory
Raphael Hertzog
Bug#882769: Cannot upgrade from Stretch: cp: target '/lib/live/mount/medium/live/' is not a directory
Thomas Goirand
Re: Bug#882769: Cannot upgrade from Stretch: cp: target '/lib/live/mount/medium/live/' is not a directory
Raphael Hertzog
Re: Bug#882769: Cannot upgrade from Stretch: cp: target '/lib/live/mount/medium/live/' is not a directory
Thomas Goirand
Bug#882769: Cannot upgrade from Stretch: cp: target '/lib/live/mount/medium/live/' is not a directory
Thomas Goirand
Bug#882769: Cannot upgrade from Stretch: cp: target '/lib/live/mount/medium/live/' is not a directory
Raphael Hertzog
Bug#882769: Cannot upgrade from Stretch: cp: target '/lib/live/mount/medium/live/' is not a directory
Thomas Goirand
Bug#882769: Cannot upgrade from Stretch: cp: target '/lib/live/mount/medium/live/' is not a directory
Bug#882769: Cannot upgrade from Stretch: cp: target '/lib/live/mount/medium/live/' is not a directory
Steve McIntyre
Bug#882769: Cannot upgrade from Stretch: cp: target '/lib/live/mount/medium/live/' is not a directory
Thomas Goirand
Re: Bug#882769: Cannot upgrade from Stretch: cp: target '/lib/live/mount/medium/live/' is not a directory
Alf Gaida
Bug#882769: Cannot upgrade from Stretch: cp: target '/lib/live/mount/medium/live/' is not a directory
Processed: Re: Bug#882769: Cannot upgrade from Stretch: cp: target '/lib/live/mount/medium/live/' is not a directory
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#882769: marked as done (Cannot upgrade from Stretch: cp: target '/lib/live/mount/medium/live/' is not a directory)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Stretch LiveCD with unprivileged X server running Chromium
Joe Daily
Processed: limit source to live-boot, tagging 877776
Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: limit source to live-build, tagging 879169, tagging 881941, tagging 878430
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#877776: live-boot: fixed read-only mode with overlayfs
Raphael Hertzog
Bug#877776: live-boot: fixed read-only mode with overlayfs
Ronny Standtke
Bug#877776: live-boot: fixed read-only mode with overlayfs
Raphael Hertzog
Bug#877776: live-boot: fixed read-only mode with overlayfs
Ronny Standtke
Failure with bootloader when 'lb config -b netboot'
Xavier Bustamante Talavera
Upcoming oldstable point release
Adam D. Barratt
Upcoming stable point release
Adam D. Barratt
live-config_5.20170112+deb9u1_source.changes ACCEPTED into proposed-updates->stable-new, proposed-updates
Debian FTP Masters
Bug#881941: live-build: Creation of .disk/mkisofs is broken
Daniel Reichelt
Bug#881941: marked as done (live-build: Creation of .disk/mkisofs is broken)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Re: Scheduling 9.3
Steve McIntyre
Re: Scheduling 9.3
Adam D. Barratt
Re: Scheduling 9.3
Ansgar Burchardt
Re: Scheduling 9.3
Adam D. Barratt
Re: Scheduling 9.3
Laura Arjona Reina
Re: Multiarch live CDs
Mert Dirik
Re: Multiarch live CDs
Steve McIntyre
Re: Multiarch live CDs
Later messages