On Thu, Feb 08, 2018 at 06:22:14PM +0000, Iain Learmonth wrote:
>On 07/02/18 12:07, intrigeri wrote:
>>> - live-tasks (seems to be maintained in pkg-vmdebootstrap?)
>These are metapackages maintained by Ana which are used by live-wrapper
>to produce live images for different desktop environments (they depend
>on all the packages that are required for a specific environment).
>This should be moved to the live team on salsa.

Definitely, yes! We're using it for the stretch and buster official

>>> - live-support (what is this about?)
>No idea.

Ditto, but you touched it last! :-)

>>> - live-www
>No idea.

Looks empty.

>>> What's unclear to me is "live-images". This source package does still
>>> exist in Debian but we haven't touched it since Daniel left. Should we
>>> remove the package entirely?
>This is the spiritual predecessor to the live-tasks package that
>contained the live-build configurations used to build the live images
>for different desktop environments. If it's not been updated, it should
>probably just be removed.

NONONONO - the repo is still used for the live-build images we do for
jessie point releases. I'll move it to salsa and update our config to
point there.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
"Further comment on how I feel about IBM will appear once I've worked out
 whether they're being malicious or incompetent. Capital letters are forecast."
 Matthew Garrett, http://www.livejournal.com/users/mjg59/30675.html

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