On 07/05/2017 07:00 AM, Michael . wrote:
> Thomas it is all fine and good to say  "(lets not go into details why
> this happened)" but the details support the reality of the situation.
> Please read (https://lists.debian.org/debian-live/2015/11/msg00008.html)
> and see where Iain says
>>>It is worth noting that live-build is not a Debian project, it is an
> external project that claims to be an official Debian project. This is
> something that needs to be fixed.
> My understanding come from the people who initiated the take over of
> building live images. If I am wrong then so was Iain and you should have
> been a part of the discussion back in November 2015 to clear it all up
> for us.
> I want Live-Wrapper to succeed (only because it is the official Debian
> Live system) and I support it through testing it and reporting on things
> I have found which would limit the audience who could use it but I also
> want Live-Build to continue (because Live-Build is more suitable for a
> roll your own images that derivatives would create).
> I must admit I am concerned about this reluctance "to go into details".
> This type of thing keeps people in the dark and that is something I do
> not support. There is no need to go over all the details but at least
> provide proof as I have done.
> On 5 July 2017 at 08:34, Thomas Goirand <tho...@goirand.fr
> <mailto:tho...@goirand.fr>> wrote:
>     On 06/27/2017 11:53 PM, Michael . wrote:
>     > Charles, let me clear up a couple of misconceptions for you. Debian Live
>     > (made with Live Wrapper) is an official Debian project. Live Build (the
>     > old Debian Live) apparently wasn't official but was recognised by Debian
>     > for its official images. Live Build is now officially part of Debian
>     Hum... You also have some misunderstanding here. Live-build has been
>     packaged in Debian, and fully part of Debian for *years* (well before
>     Raphael worked on it).
>     What changed is that, since Daniel Baumann doesn't build the live images
>     anymore (let's not go into details why this happened), Steve does it at
>     the same time as other Debian images. It's now included in a single
>     process of building images.
>     Cheers,
>     Thomas Goirand (zigo)

Please don't top-post.

No need to rehash. What you wrote was that live-build wasn't part of
Debian, which was wrong. That's different from the produced live images
(what you wrote above is right). In other words: live-build != live images.


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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