El 26/06/17 a las 11:08, Steve McIntyre escribió: > [ Note the cross-posting... ] > > Hey folks, >
Our Use-case: We develop a derivated distro from Debian called Huayra GNU/Linux, this is for educational program of government in Argentina. This big program ship around 5 millons of netbooks to highschool students. We start using live-builder to customize a live-cd that can be installable (via live plugin of debian installer due that our distro have many packages. Chroot install's save us time instead of package by package) And found on this tool the solution to make our work (customs packages list, customize the chroot and binary parts <- this great, the installer/preseed, isolinux screens, use of our repository and keys ..etc etc etc) Just this work. Uefi support was bad but workarounds save us. When live-wrapper annuonce that will be the official tool, we try to replicate the actual work using the new tool with no great success. Part of lack of knowledge and not mature status of live-wrapper. I think that many live-builder users went through the same thing. I'm not want to re-begin the "tool war" again please!, I can use anyone, but i need that functionality that means, maybe with better docummentation for live-wrapper may help. Debian is great. I hope that these tools gets better every day. We are grateful for use it. Saludos! -- Fernando Toledo Dock Sud BBS http://bbs.docksud.com.ar telnet://bbs.docksud.com.ar