I'm a user and a tester, not a dev, and I know nothing (and don't want to
know anything)
about the personal politics between Debian developers.  So that's all I'll
say on that subject.

To Steve's original point:

First, a big THANK YOU! to Steve for taking this job on.  I, for one, an

I use Debian a lot, but I'm only an occasional user of the Debian Live
 But when I need them, I need them. And when I need them, I want them to
just work.
If having them there and working when I need them means I have to add them
to my
list of things to test and report on, I'm willing to make that investment.

Please add me to your "testers" list.

Thank you,

PS: On a related topic:  What I think would be really cool, would be Debian
Live images
for some of the ARM architectures.  Something I could dd to a USB stick and
right away when I get a new box in for testing.  Even cooler would be the
to use that self-same live image to install Debian after the testing phase
was over.

> On 27 June 2017 at 00:08, Steve McIntyre <st...@einval.com> wrote:
>> [ Note the cross-posting... ]
>> If our live images are going to be good enough to meet the standards
>> that Debian users deserve and expect, we need *consistent*,
>> *sustained* involvement from a lot more people. Please tell me if
>> you're going to help. If we don't see a radical improvement soon, I'll
>> simply disable building live images altogether to remove the false
>> promises they're making.
>> [1] https://get.debian.org/images/release/current-live/amd64/iso
>> -hybrid/#issues
>> --
>> Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.
>> st...@einval.com
>> "...In the UNIX world, people tend to interpret `non-technical user'
>>  as meaning someone who's only ever written one device driver." -- Daniel
>> Pead

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