Respectful sir, please review what you just wrote on a public facing page.

I for one would not want you in my work place.
Best Wishes with your job search.

BTW: the internet is Forever. It can't be cancelled.

On September 24, 2021 10:38:01 AM Chuck Zmudzinski <> wrote:

On 9/24/2021 8:04 AM, Brad Rogers wrote:
On Fri, 24 Sep 2021 07:45:03 -0400
Chuck Zmudzinski <> wrote:

Hello Chuck,

happened to me, but I would not be surprised
if in the U.S. eventually Debian will get sued
unless it scrubs its website of some of the
In the USA, Section 230 covers this;  Debian can't be held liable for
comments made by others using their systems.

However, if Debian refuses to remove defamatory comments,
perhaps Debian could be held liable if Debian refuses to remove
comments at a person's request if the comments truly harm a
person's good reputation and, for example, destroys a person's
ability to get a job in software development, or anywhere else
for that matter. Who would hire me if they read what is now
being said about me by Andy Smith, et. al. on Debian's web
pages. If Debian wants to be sure to avoid such a lawsuit,
I think Debian should remove at least some comments to
completely avoid legal liability. I am sure I could find a lawyer
in the U.S. to try it if I wanted to.



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