I was accused in public of wrongdoing on the Debian bug tracking system which is hosted on a public, Debian website in response to a bug report I made.
Since Debian's policy is to keep everything on its website public, and I was told every message I send regarding Debian must be put on Debian's public forums, then how can I try and work out a disagreement with someone in private emails instead of needing to expose the dispute in public with all the negativity, slander, and defamation that might entail? I am willing to cooperate with anyone to help improve Debian software, but only if they agree to not accuse me in public of wrongdoing without first discussing the matter with me in a private email or other private forum. I am not interested in suing Debian for what happened to me, but I would not be surprised if in the U.S. eventually Debian will get sued unless it scrubs its website of some of the comments people make about each other on Debian public forums. Thoughts?