On 9/24/2021 10:10 AM, Jonathan Carter wrote:
Hi Chuck

On 2021/09/24 13:45, Chuck Zmudzinski wrote:
I was accused in public of wrongdoing on the
Debian bug tracking system which is hosted
on a public, Debian website in response to a
bug report I made.

Since Debian's policy is to keep everything
on its website public, and I was told every
message I send regarding Debian must be
put on Debian's public forums, then how
can I try and work out a disagreement with
someone in private emails instead of needing
to expose the dispute in public with all the
negativity, slander, and defamation that
might entail?

I am willing to cooperate with anyone to help
improve Debian software, but only if they
agree to not accuse me in public of wrongdoing
without first discussing the matter with me
in a private email or other private forum.

I am not interested in suing Debian for what
happened to me, but I would not be surprised
if in the U.S. eventually Debian will get sued
unless it scrubs its website of some of the
comments people make about each other on
Debian public forums.

You can (and we'd appreciate it if you would) contact the Debian Community team directly (which would not be public) at:


Please include the details like the relevant bug numbers and as much other detail as possible.



It is Bug #994899, I ask that you remove every message except for my original bug report from the public facing servers. I leave it to the package maintainers to decide things like bug severity, etc. I think it is clear from why I want this if you read the whole bug report. Please read the bug report with all its messages, and I was especially upset that I was accused of being "not good" = bad, and just plain "wrong," and "ranting," etc. If you have any more questions, please reply to me privately and off-list. Also read the message Andy Smith posted in response to my post on the debian-user mailing list:


I do not ask you to remove that message unless you think you should, but I cite it
as evidence that there is a problem within the Debian community about not
observing just plain common decency and respect for other persons.

Thank you,

Chuck Zmudzinski

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