Ben Finney writes:

> Michael Poole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Most computer-literate English speakers in the world use "software"
>> to mean "computer program" rather than "information"
> Perhaps, but that's not very relevant here. This discussion thread
> relates to a highly technically-focussed forum and the definitions
> they use for what they produce and license.
> In that context, I argue that the preferred meaning of "software"
> should be its original, easily-defined, usefully-bounded meaning, and
> that the term "program" already serves well to discuss a program.

That's a fine general guideline.  However, the whole point about
terminology came up when you complained about the Jabber Foundation's
use of "software" in its license terms -- where their use is the
generally common one, and you thought they should instead use Debian's
preferred definition.

(See also my other email about the original usage of "software"; it
seems to me that the license's intended meaning for the word *is* the
original one.)

Michael Poole

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