Sven Luther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So this solves most of the issues, and we need to go through the QPL
> 3b again, but upstream feels it is a reasonable clause, and would
> like to keep it.

I'm sure that anyone would love to have that kind of term in a
license.  It still feels non-free to me.

> Also the first modification, well, i am not overly confident that it
> is really needed, and i am sure my wording of it are abysmal, and i
> ask for some help here in finding some nice and concise wording
> which doesn't divert to much from the original. The old wording was :
>   a. Modifications must not alter or remove any copyright notices
>      in the Software.
> And i changed it to : 
>   a. Modifications must not alter or remove any copyright notices
>      in the Software except by adding new authors.

If I'm converting an interactive program to be non-interactive, I
still can't remove a hard-coded copyright string that pops up in an
"About" box.

Walter Landry

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