I am not subscribed to debian-legal Glenn Maynard wrote: > On Mon, Oct 18, 2004 at 10:01:05PM -0700, John H. Robinson, IV wrote: > > I'm saying that a package built with ecc (or icc or whatever) is not > the same package that you'll get if you build the same sources with > gcc; it's significantly functionally different.
The only difference is in *performance*. If there are other differences, then there is a bug in one of the two compilers. If you are equating performance with functionality, then we are going to have a very hard time communicating. > Huh? You ignored what I said: you can't make a stable update using a > different compiler, because it can introduce both performance and (more > importantly) new bugs, which is completely unacceptable for a Debian > stable security update. Actually, later in my previous message I accepted your agrument on pragmatic grounds. > Are you claiming that changing from one compiler to another, or changing > optimization flags, can't introduce bugs? If so, please stay away from > any security-sensitive packages ... :) I'm saying that it should not introduce bugs. In a perfect world, of course. We don't live in one. > > gcc is written under the GPL. I can write a non-free program, keep the > > source entirely secret, and distribute my program in binary form only, > > with a very restrictive license. The gcc license does not contaminate > > the resultant binary (unless, of course, I put gcc code in my program). > > Similarly, the ecc license should not prevent compiling GPL'd code. If > > it did, ecc would be unsuitable for any purpose, period. > > This doesn't seem relevant. You are the one that brought up the bogus argument that if the icc packaged one were introduced into main, that any end-user would have to accept the icc license. This is almost akin to saying that if a package were built on a vmware virtual machine, the end-user would have to accept the vmware license, or that the package would have to go into contrib. -- John H. Robinson, IV [EMAIL PROTECTED] http (((( WARNING: I cannot be held responsible for the above, sbih.org ( )(:[ as apparently my cats have learned how to type. spiders.html ((((