On Dec 9, 2003, at 11:52, Brian T. Sniffen wrote:

Anthony DeRobertis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I have thus, even with STENOG included, satisfied the terms of the
INVERT license.

Now, there is a potential problem. Remember that scripting language
mentioned before? If someone were to write a script that used both
INVERT and STENOG, and then distribute that script, there might be a
problem. But that's an issue for another thread.

This is no different from perl/python/whatever modules under different

I think this is a quite reasonable summary of the situation.

I'm glad to hear that. I hope this means we will reach consensus soon!

I will
point out that further distributors who wish to distribute AIE and
INVERT will essentially be bound by the GPL with regards to AIE, even
though it is under the MIT/X11 license: they received it under the
terms of the GPL, not under the terms of the X11 license.

They had to receive it under the terms of the GPL. They also received AIE under the terms of the MIT X11 license. The work is sort-of dual-licensed, in the sense that the X11 license is compatible with the GPL.

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