On Mon, Dec 08, 2003 at 03:09:06PM -0500, Brian T. Sniffen wrote:
> Ah, found it -- Debian KDE list, late July 2002: Konqueror doesn't
> link against OpenSSL.  It runs a separate process (kcm_crypto, it
> looks like), which links against openssl... but does so in a way that
> *doesn't* invoke OpenSSL's advertising clause.  Thus, the GPL
> prohibition on additional restrictions isn't invoked, and what KDE's
> doing is fine.

I don't quite follow.  It doesn't matter if extra restrictions are
invoked or not; they're GPL-incompatible regardless.  ("Don't use this
software to make bombs" is GPL-incompatible, even if you don't happen to
be using it to make bombs.)

Could you link to the thread you're referencing?

Glenn Maynard

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