Walter Landry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian T. Sniffen) wrote:
>> Henning Makholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> > Scripsit [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian T. Sniffen)
>> >
>> >> And, as it happens, companies do grant free patent licenses: it's
>> >> common practice when working on a standard which must be approved by a
>> >> standards body with a RF policy: typically, the patent is licensed for
>> >> any use which implements that standard.
>> >
>> > A patent license that applies only to implementations of a specific
>> > standard is not free (as in free speech).
>> Can you explain this to me?  I see free software, and some external
>> limits on how you may use certain modifications of it.
> You can't modify the code in the webserver to improve the parsing of
> your favorite editor.

But you couldn't add those features to your favorite editor *anyway*,
because they're patented.  Unlike copyright, chain of custody and
derivation is irrelevant for patents.


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