> It has to be prohibitively impractical in real cases. The > inconveniences that occur in some cases with the GFDL are not > prohibitive.
I'm a little sure what is "prohibitive". Can you flesh it out? If you are asking for a bright line as to what is or isn't prohibitive, I don't think that is possible. When you let other people write detailed rules, but insist these rules substantively permit certain things, you invariably face the question of whether the requirements are tantamount to a prohibition in disguise. When I judge this question for a packaging requirement, I try to be tolerant. Any packaging requirement that doesn't generally prevent users from publishing versions with the technical behavior they like is ok. Importantly, what must the impracticality prohibit to count? The question is whether you the user are free to publish a modified version with the technical behavior you like. If the requirements for publishing a modified version cannot be met, then you really can't publish a modified version with the technical behavior you like. The DFSG says that we must have the right to modify everything, at least by the use of patch files. I cannot find that in the DFSG. If you are talking about this part, <P>The license may restrict source-code from being distributed in modified form _<strong>only</strong>_ if the license allows the distribution of "<tt>patch files</tt>" with the source code for the purpose of modifying the program at build time. then I don't think it says that. This text is specifically about source code for programs, and specifically about licenses that entirely forbid modified versions of the source code. It is extremely specific and narrow. I think Debian developers have come to feel that the literal interpretation of these words is too weak a criterion. I too think it is too weak: a software license that passes this criterion but allows only some kinds of modification can be non-free. And documentation should also be free in its appropriate way, though it is not software and not a program. It looks like Debian developers, rather than changing the criterion, have decided to reinterpret it by discarding some aspects of the actual words. I'm not sure that is the best way to solve the problem, but never mind that. My point is that once you decide to do that, there is more than one way to do it. To take the most strict possible interpretation of what the words don't say is not necessarily right.