On 2003-08-29 13:03:28 +0100 Mathieu Roy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> MJ Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a tapoté :
>> On 2003-08-29 12:04:18 +0100 Mathieu Roy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Readers of this list (not only developers) have stated their strong
>>>> belief that the GFDL does not follow the DFSG.
>>> I'm a reader of this list and I'm pretty sure I never stated such
>>> belief. Am I the only one?
>> I'm a reader of this list and I'm pretty sure I did.  Add me to the OP
>> (whose name you trimmed) and you have plural, so the statement is
>> accurate.  What is the use of such hair-splitting?
> We does not express only the plural but the consensus.

1/ The statement that you were objecting to here does not use "we" at all, so 
defining "we" is irrelevant.
2/ The definition you quoted for "we" does not support your misinterpretation.
3/ Do not CC me if I do not ask for it!

> Please, can you point out a message sent by myself where I try "to
> impose my view on the majority"?

Please, can you point out a message sent by me where I said that you did?  I 
only advised you against persuing that line.

> My mail is an answer to someone that said that everybody thinks the
> GFDL as non-free. Which is not accurate. Nothing else.

The section of email you quoted in email timestamped 13:04:18 +0200 today did 
not say that.  You seemed to have misunderstood it.

> I'm even not sure whether it's a problem to have an invariant part in
> documentation. [...]

In Debian, it is.

> But we hit back the debate "is a software a book or not".

That's the wrong way round, and your edit to the subject line is misleading.  
The question is "is a book [in Debian] software or not?" and the answer is 
"Yes, it is."  Those claiming otherwise have not yet given good reason for 
another answer.

No-one is claiming that documentation is a synonym for software, which I think 
is the normal translation for eq... maybe we should ask if you disagree that 
(member documentation software) is true if (member documentation 

MJR/slef   My Opinion Only and possibly not of any group I know.
      http://mjr.towers.org.uk/   jabber://[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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