Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 02:50:09AM -0400, Walter Landry wrote:
> > It would be fair to say that Debian has decided that the GFDL is not
> > free according to the DFSG.  This opinion has only been getting
> > stronger and more unified over time.  However, there is a significant
> > minority who believe that documentation should be judged by a
> > different standard than the DFSG.
> What's your threshold of statistical significance?  I'd like to know for
> the purposes of commentary on my "final" survey reponse summary, which I
> can produce about 12 hours from now if I'm still awake.

The true threshold for significance is 25%, since Debian can amend the
constitution with a 3:1 vote.  But for this discussion, I put it
around 5%.  Enough so that multiple posters on this list express that
view, not just two or three.  I counted about 170 unique posters in
the last month, though that is definitely an overcount, as they didn't
all comment on this discussion.  That would put significance around 8

Walter Landry

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