On Wednesday, Aug 27, 2003, at 00:52 US/Eastern, Fedor Zuev wrote:

        I aware. Yes, distinction is often unclear.

        But this is irrelevant. It is enough that _law_ (majority of
existed copyright laws) makes this difference.

The copyright laws of the United States, Russia, the European Union, Japan; the Berne Convention; etc., have little if any to do with our principles.

The Social Contract gives our principles. One of those is that Debian will remain entirely free software, with free software defined by the DFSG.

Strictly speaking, we are only concerned with the definition of "software" used in the Social Contract. What it means in copyright law, if anything (it isn't used in the US's Title 17, for example), is not relevant.

        There are _many_ OCR programs in the world. There is _no_
x86-disassembler, which assure compilable output, in the world.

Nor is there an OCR program that can assure 100% correct output, either. But that's not really relevant.

Perhaps you should discussing this kind of stuff --- changing the social contract --- on -project.

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