> I hope Debian won't adopt your views, but if it does, it won't be the > first disagreement between Debian and the FSF. Debian wrote its own > definition of free software which is different from ours. We also > disagree about Debian's practice of distributing and recommending > non-free software.
I would point out that the FSF has rewritten its views as well. The term "as well" is misleading, because the point is that Debian and GNU already have major disagreements. (We change our definitions of free software and free documentation as we come across new issues and make decisions about them.) Debian insists that all which it distributes be free, under a single definition which does not require asking whether a given bit of text is "technical" or "political". Can you help us find a suitable definition for that? It makes no sense to apply the same standards to political and legal text as to technical material. Ethically they are different situations. Software and documentation are functional works--they exist to do a job. The users have a right to control the functional material so they can make it do the jobs they want to do. This reason doesn't apply to political statements. I put my political essays under a license that permits only verbatim copying because in my view that's proper for for political essays. It was clear from an early stage that companies might package parts of GNU with non-free software and would present the non-free software to the users as something legitimate and desirable. (This problem is getting bigger, not smaller: today, nearly all packagers of GNU/Linux distribute non-free software with it and try to argue it is a good thing.) So we had to search for ways to make sure that our message saying non-free software is wrong would at least be present in the GNU packages that they redistribute. We did this by putting invariant political statements into programs and manuals. In programs, these statements are included in the license text, in the preamble to the GPL. In manuals, they are separate sections. When we make decisions in the GNU Project about what counts as free software, or free documentation, they are based looking at freedom as a practical question, not as an abstract mathematical one. These sections are consistent with freedom because practically speaking they don't stop people from making the software do what they want it to do, or the making the manual the manual teach what they want it to teach.