Scripsit Russell Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > This seems to be a sticking point with a lot of people. Essentially, > everyone seems to be defending their right to arbitrarily exclude > software from Debian. But that is a right you don't have.
We sure do have. Debian is a volunteer organzation that basically do thing for our own sake (namely, for having part of the good karma it earns to produce a good free OS). If we, as a project, decide to pull out, say, GNU Emacs, from Debian because one of its C source files has an MD5 sum that happens to be "JESUS LIVES!" in EBCDIC spelled backwards and we don't want to force evangelization on non-Cristian users, exactly zero people outside the project will have any way to hold us accountable for that decision. The only thing we're accountable to is our own idea of our user's needs, and what we've promised the users. That's what the DFSG is: We promise our users that, to the best of our ability, we'll strive not to include any software that doesn't have the freedoms we think free software should have. We've written down the DFSG so that users will have an idea what we're promising them, and also to remind ourselves what it was that we promised. However, the *only* ill that could befall Debian for arbitrarily excluding something is that some of our users will be disappointed with not having it, and that they will start using another OS if it disappoints them enough. Nobody can sue us for not including their favorite software. Nobody can sue us for not including software they wrote. It's a decision that lies with us, and if we were to choose to make our decisions by tossing dice, the world's sole remedy would be to ignore us. (Of course we do incur some liability when we choose to do distribute something, because we need to have the copyright holder's permission to do so. But that is another matter). > Well... what is wrong with amending the DFSG so it incorporates the > case law? Because it's hard? Shit, coding is *hard* and we do it > anyway. There's nothing *wrong* per se with making the DFSG more explicit (as long as nobody begins to claim it to be an objective touchstone that does not require judgement in applying it). However, being nothing wrong with is not always a sufficient reason to do something. I don't know you, but I assume you wouldn't have made it to the OSI board without quite some experience with the social dynamics of the free software movement. Therefore is puzzles me that you apparently don't see the enormity of what you're asking. Just logistically, changing the DFSG is not a simple matter. It is not enough simply to reach a consensus on a new wording on debian-legal (which probably would be possible). In order to be accepted as the new DFSG by the whole Debian community would require at least a vote among all developers. In fact, as there is not even a procedure in place for changing the Social Contract (of which the DFSG are part), multiple votes would be needed, the first ones to decide how and why the later ones can have force. A lot of people will oppose those procedural changes on principle, not because they have anything against the concrete clarifications proposed, but because they fear that the mere precedent of amending the DFSG will open the door for other changes they don't want (say, relating to the treatment of non-programs in relation to the DFSG). There will be a major flamewar, likely lasting months, before things settle down. So if someone were to set out amending the DFSG, that someone would need to be a rather senior and respected member of the Debian community, or he'd not have a snowball's chance in hell of succeeding. Even then, he'd *also* have to commit himself to using several hundred hours of his time to waging the necessary flamewars. Time that could have been used for coding things that would actually be helpful for users. Now you come and demand (no, suggesting politely) that one of us takes that much trouble upon himself to do that. What one asks oneself then, is: Why should I? Just because you ask nicely? Or because it will solve some problem that has been costing, or is likely to cost, the project actual griveance? The former is (apparently!) not going to impress anyone, and as for the latter we're not convinced it's true. Remember, we're the people in the line of fire, we're the ones who know from actual experience how much or little hassle it is to explain to upstream authors and developers how to read correctly between the lines of the current text. It seems that most of the debian-legal regulars have decided for themselves that, sure there are things that might be said clearer, but it's not broken enough to turn the Constitution upside down to fix it. I suspect your real agenda is something like: The OSD is not unambiguous enough for the purposes the OSI is putting it to, so you want our help in fixing it. If you had come to us and said, please help us make the OSD better, I suspect you'd have gotten quite a different reaction. In fact, we'd probably have been flattered, because we like to entertain the self-important notion that debian-legal is one of the more influental and respected license discussion forums in the free-software world. But what you actually seem to say is: We have these two documents that except for a few places are identical; please make a lot of changes to yours so that we can have them "converge". That doesn't make much sense to me, except if there's some internal OSI politics going on (such as a fraction that insists on not making any further clarification unless Debian makes them first, or similar silliness). [And to the rest of debian-legal: I apologize for using "we" and "us" as indiscriminately as I do above even though I'm not technically a member of the constituency I'm speaking about. I'll defend myself on request, by waving hands and saying nice things about communities and getting one's point across]. -- Henning Makholm "... not one has been remembered from the time when the author studied freshman physics. Quite the contrary: he merely remembers that such and such is true, and to explain it he invents a demonstration at the moment it is needed."