On Tue, Jan 29, 2002 at 07:11:51PM -0800, Thomas Bushnell, BSG wrote:
> Sven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Ok, i guess devbian-vote wqould be the right place ? Or maybe
> > debian-dfsg-modifications ?
> Right now, there are people who think we are not allowed to even
> modify the DFSG.  All that discussion is for debian-vote, I guess.  

Thought so also, altough i thought we discuss this on debian legal, and after
a consensus, go for a discussion on debian-vote with the actual vote intent.

> > Mmm, not sure, the DFSG is more than just our internal standard, it
> > is a guideline for all the people out there, and also it is an
> > internal standard on which we have to look, especially as people
> > change. Following the DFSG and clarifying it as possible if also the
> > guarant of the fairness of the decision, and the guardians against
> > cabalistic decision making on licences, ...
> We make absolutely no promises that we are beholden to *anyone's*
> interpretation of the DFSG but our own.

Yes, but it is not good. This let's us open to accusation of partiality.

Especially since 'our own' represent only a rather small subset of the debian
developper who care about the subject.


Sven Luther

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