On Thu, 2002-01-24 at 09:43, Sven wrote:
> Then, there is the ideological debate we could have, about if this is a good
> thing or not, and if the DFSG was meant to be applied to documentation also,
> and not to just programs, and if we go down this path, we should also specify
> using only free hardware also, which is a thing which doesn't exist right now,
> at least i have no knowledge on such.

What do you mean, "we should also specify using only free hardware
also"?  For our users?  Debian already specifically supports using
non-free software for our users.  For the project itself?  Well, we
still use non-free software (e.g. qmail, glimpse), so before we even
think about "free hardware" (whatever that means) we need to stop using
the non-free software.  Or do you mean as part of the DFSG?  How would
that possibly make sense?  We can't copy and redistribute hardware on
our CDs, whatever the "license" on it is...

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