On Wed, 9 May 2001, Sergio Brandano wrote:

> Mailing-list server programs do include a command
> to query on the listmembers.

I believe the debian lists currently do not, but I didn't look that hard.
It's irrelevant anyway, as it is a list of email addresses, NOT a list of
human beings.

Any of those addresses could be automated systems, such as archivers,
forwarders, other lists, etc.

> There would be no problem in triggering such a
> query just before posting, and attach the resulting
> list and the mail in one file, locally on my disk.

Or sending only to that list.  Even so, you don't know who's getting your
message if you don't know the people on the list.  Which you don't, even
if you see the list at one point in time.

This is even beyond the likelihood that the list will change between your
copy of the list and the time the list broadcaster recieves your message.

> I would like to repeat that I am an old friend,

Repeat all you like, you're asking us to go well out of our way for very
little value and claiming we don't have rights to use something you sent
us freely.  You're not much of a friend, no matter how many years you've
been here.

I think you were right before - we can let this drop.  Feel free to rebut
as needed, but I don't think I'm likely to shed further light.  Good luck
in all your endeavors.
Mark Rafn    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    <http://www.dagon.net/>

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